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Treatments >Baby Massage

Baby massage classes will allow you to learn massage skills that you can use for life with your growing child. It will help you to bond with your baby, boost your self esteem and confidence in parenting and enhance your understanding of your baby's development.
It will also help your baby physically by encouraging deeper sleep, relieving colic, wind and constipation and helping their mobility in particular getting them ready to crawl. In receiving massage babies will feel more loved, valued and respected and will also gain more body awareness enhancing their own development.
Classes are suitable for babies aged between one month and one year and are given as group courses or one-to-one sessions. The group course consists of 5 x 90 minute sessions where you will learn to massage each part of your baby. You will also acquire specific techniques to use massage as a treatment tool for colic and other conditions as well as understanding how to use touch and gentle movements to relax your baby.
The classes are relaxed and include time for informal discussion and shared experiences between parents and primary caregivers. They give you the opportunity to socialise with other parents and babies in a welcoming and supportive environment and have fun whilst learning a life-long parenting skill.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss one-to-one sessions at home with your baby.
Katherine is a certified Infant Massage Instructor having completed her training through the International Association of Infant Massage.